Practitioner 2, 3, & 4 Day Theory+Restraint  & Breakaway Training.

Practitioner 2, 3, & 4 Day Theory+Restraint & Breakaway Training.

Practitioner 2, 3, & 4 Day Theory+Restraint  & Breakaway Training.

Trauma Informed Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports Theory + Restrictive Physical Interventions and Breakaway Techniques. 

Safe Schools offer a range of restrictive physical interventions and breakaway techniques ranging from low to higher levels of restriction. This enables staff to appropriately match their response to the severity of the behaviour they are supporting.

Techniques are tailored for Primary and Secondary aged children and have been in use for the past 30+ years in mainstream and Special Ed services in the UK and Thailand. In all programmes these techniques are taught alongside TIPBIS theory ensuring an emphasis on trauma informed proactive preventative approaches.

Outcomes include improved staff and student safety. Schools will also have enhanced capabilities in being inclusive of children who have more complex needs which they may communicate through behaviours of concern.

Course Fees

5,600 Baht per person per day

Course Duration

We provide one, two, three, four, and five day programmes depending on the needs of the school. We have ‘off the shelf’ solutions or we can work with you to complete a training needs analysis to ensure that your programme is carefully crafted to meet your precise needs.

Who this course is for

School staff supporting students who may engage in behaviours that are dangerous to themselves, other students or staff, or that result in serious damage to property.

Staff working with children in tier 2 and tier 3 of the TIPBIS model.

SLT who have line management responsibility for the aforementioned staff.


A core value for Safe Schools Thailand is the commitment to reducing restrictive practices. This is a key strategy in improving inclusivity since restrictive practices have the net effect of (re-) traumatising children and increasing behaviours of distress. This is especially true for students already affected by ACE’s and/or Intellectual Disabilities*.

However, we do recognise that there may be times when it is necessary, as a last resort to momentarily hold or to ‘break away’ from a child. Our restraint and breakaway techniques are risk assessed, effective and humane. We apply strict adherence to the principles of least restriction and social validity in consideration of all strategies, both proactive and particularly restrictive strategies. We provide staff with guidance around how RPI should be accommodated within the framework of a broader proactive plan.

Technique development is informed by contemporary research and best practice guidance including

· A function and trauma informed understanding of behaviour

· Prior training in Non-Restrictive First Resort Strategies

· The Restraint Reduction Network training standards

· Evidence based approach to training skills including - task analysis, small ‘building blocks’, forward and backward chaining. Repetition under calm controlled conditions with group and individual feedback. (Physical restraint Alan, Doyle and Kaye (2003))

Core Content

Full course content is determined by the needs of the school as indicated in the training needs analysis. However, the following modules are mandatory for all courses which include training in restrictive physical interventions

· Values and principles related to restrictive physical interventions

· Risks related to restraint

· The law in relation to physical restraint

· De-escalation and defusion

· Post incident support

Course Outcomes

Broad course outcomes would reflect the modules identified in the Training Needs Analysis.

Regarding the mandatory elements.

  • Improved staff and student safety
  • Improved ability to be inclusive of children who may present more complex behaviours of concern
  • Staff confident in safely using a range of restraint and/or breakaway techniques
  • Staff confident in using a range of trauma informed, functionally related de-escalation strategies including first resort strategies for crisis level behaviours
  • Staff awareness of the values that must underpin the use of restrictive physical interventions
  • The physical and psycho-social risks associated with the use of physical restraint
  • The law in relation to physical restraint, staff will be more confident in their understanding of their powers, duties, and responsibilities regarding keeping themselves and those they are responsible for safer.
  • Staff will understand what circumstances techniques may and may not be used
  • Staff will understand where physical restraint strategies sit within the broader context of the child’s proactive behaviour support plan
  • Staff will understand the importance of re-attuning with the student post incident


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